Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two Years.

Its odd how the first time I've looked at this in this long, its two days short of two years. Funny, how one thing can seem so important and the next day its almost as if its completely dissapeared. I'd like to start this up again. It'll be nice to have someone, something I suppose, to talk to. Let me know if you're reading.

Monday, August 17, 2009


It has been forever since I last update this thing. I feel bad! But the thing is I've really had nothing to write. Seriously. Nothing. No thing. I'll get up everyday at about noon and sit on the couch all day. Its disgusting. I feel like I need to be productive.

On a side note, Im a complete bookworm. I am so excited! I just got The Hunger Games!

I love Dr.Pepper.

And the doggy is one of those dust mop looking things. :))

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Artist's Pooch.

So for the next couple of days Im going to be watching my neighbor's dog. Its so adorable. Hahaa. The wife is an artist so they named the dog after a famous painter. So until Sunday Im watching the little pup. WooHoo! I love the dog. Its just so adorable. It jumps up on you when you sit down. Hahaa.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crazy Coffee Lady.

I love the rain. Its like the world is trying to wash away all its most recent mistakes. I find it very relaxing. Watching the rain or standing in it. Having it wash over you. Erasing all of your mistakes. Not that it does erase them. Its just a nice thought, you think so?

I am so OCD. Its crazy. Especially with my books. Like you cant flip through the pages before you read them. And they must be in alphabetical order by author of course. Thats a give in. Im wicked crazy with my coffee. I need to get it at 7:27 exactly. I remember one morning I looked at my phone to check the time and it said 7:28. I started to hyperventalate in the middle of the hallway. My bestfriend asked me what was wrong and all I had to do was show her the time and she rushed me to the cafeteria. She is the best, she was pushing people out of the way and running with me. I just love the girl. Did I negelect to mention Im addicted to coffee?

Im a Heartbroken Owl.

So there I was at 2 in the morning, sitting in front of my computer desk. Of course Facebook and Youtube were up. On Youtube Hank Green's newest Harry Potter song was playing, very quietly mind you. Remember it is 2 in the morning. And I cant help but think how true that is. The song I mean. That must be how every Harry Potter book lover must feel. I know all I want to do is jump right inside of Jo's head and live there forever. I'd even room with Peeves if thats what it would take. What would you do?

My sleeping pattern is wicked screwed up. I wake up at noon almost everyday and fall asleep at aroud 2 or 3 in the morning. Not that I have a problem with that. I like being somewhat nocturnal. Like and owl. The only thing wrong with that is I have to be so quiet.

Are all boys scum? I was supposed to be with this boy that I was in love with once school starts up again. We talked about it in March and he was willing to wait too. We still talked everyday and texted each other and I considered us together, just without the label. And then, last month he tells me he started to get a crush on this girl. He asked her how she felt about him and she says "i rly like u. it would b kool if we went out". Seriously? Come on. And he choose her. He could've had me but he decided that he had a girl that he didnt have to wait for and he was going to be with her. Now me and this guy still talk everyday. He is one of my bestfriends. But its still hard to hear about him and his girl. Because I still want to be his girl. Should I give up on him? Im not sure that Im ready to.